Tuesday, March 31, 2009

20090331tu2227, lit glass and metal stairway at night

Riding home.

20090331tu2219, going home

20090331tu1957, no malicious software found

20090331tu1954, installing Java updates

20090331tu1953, updating Windows and AntiVirus

20090331tu1906, dinner

20090331tu1848, sidewalk

Walking to Which Wich.

20090331tu1328, looking south

20090331tu1326, no malicious software found

Studio 1 and 2.

20090331tu1228, Conficker Downandup Worm Virus

Securing computers to ensure the best defense against the April 1
(April Fools) Conficker worm virus (also known as Downandup).

Here's what to do:

1. Make sure all Windows updates are installed. Go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com

2. Download and run the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
found here (click skip the details and download the took):

3. Make sure your AntiVirus software is updated. If necessary, if it
is old and outdated, remove it using add/remove programs, then install
AVG Free AntiVirus software found listed among the top ten programs
found here: http://www.download.com

That's it!

20090331tu1221, Old Capitol of Iowa

20090331tu1216, sunny day in Iowa City

20090331tu1103, looking northwest

20090331tu0956, treadmill workout with hand weights

Finishing workout.

20090331tu0938, treadmill workout with hand weights

15 minutes remaining.

20090331tu0925, Iowa Old Capitol

Getting ready to go to the gym.

20090331tu0910, elevator up and down lights

At the office.

20090331tu0900, riding to office

20090331tu0856, ride to office

20090331tu0443, home

20090331tu0431, Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences

Riding home.

20090331tu0405, camels on parade

A nice hand-made thank you card.